My next recommendation for moms...Creative Correction, by Lisa Welchel. (Remember her? Blair on "Facts of Life"?
Wouldn't you choose to be corrected instead of punished? Nagging, threatening, grounding, spanking and sending my children to their rooms never worked as well as the ideas in this book are working for us. My children are learning to work toward rewards (which may only be a big smile and a hug)--while learning to do the right thing because it's the right thing--instead of trying to avoid punishments. Marbles in a jar to earn a Happy Meal, earning special privileges for going the extra mile, "caught you doing good" rewards, good manners jelly beans, etc.
There ARE corrections, though. Sloppy work requires practicing handwriting for 15 minutes, forgetting something over and over requires doing it 100 times to practice, unfinished chores earns the right to do the other child's chores as well, a room left in a mess might require writing out state names and capitals. These are just some examples but my home is a different place after reading this book and taking good notes.
We started a new thing to help them stay focused in the afternoons. If they finish their homework within an hour, finish their afternoon routine (which includes laying out clothes for the next day, a couple of chores, picking out lunch items for the next day, practicing piano), and practice their spelling words and memory verse in a reasonable time period without being prodded, they get a "ticket." Five tickets = a McFlurry at McD's. :) They love challenges like that and I'm not always nagging.
We also did a little thing last night where I set the timer for 5 minutes and everyone flew around the house picking up and putting things WHERE THEY BELONG. They did great and the house was completely picked up and they asked to do it again tomorrow. LOL They got 2 Starbursts if everything was done in 5.
I got most of the ideas from that book. John Rosemond is great, too, but Lisa uses lots of scripture and the basis that you teach your children to do right because it's right.
Now, to find a Creative Correction for Husbands...
I got that book a long time ago, but after starting it, I quit because at the time, Macy was too young to use some of the ideas on. Well, now, I need to pull it back out! Thanks for reminding me about it!!
this is that "prevent problems" kind of stay one step ahead. Thanks for the reminders. I love the systems and you are doing good giving chores. Responsibiliy once it's embedded in their little brains rocks! Gates and Riley actually do a couple of things without being told! But just a couple.
Your blog is so much more worthy than mine. The amazing race seems so silly now. But pray seriously. Just in case.
That book sounds great! I wish it was helpful to me now. Now the Creative Corrections for Husbands...! Thanks for today! I needed that!
gena - blogs don't get categorized as worthy and not worthy. mine is what's on my heart. yours is what's on yours. in that case, i'll add a huge picture of ruth's chris steak to mine. I HATE EATING RIGHT!
...and mom's word is "anticipate." huge concept. duh!
i "anticipate" alright! my trouble comes when i am not preventing!
ruth chris...never had their steaks but why "ruth chris" is just doesn't sound right when you say it...probably the point.
it's ruth's chris. it WAS chris steakhouse then chris died or divorced or something and ruth took it over so it's "HERS" - as in RUTH'S chris steakhouse. ruth's chris. unreal. let's save our $$ and let's go!
i get it. funny. seriously lets go, where is the nearest one to each of us. ha, i wish. tell joanne hello.
we could meet in atlanta. :) it's a good one. there is one in bham but it's not the best. there's one in nashville. i swear i'd fly up there for that. LOL mom's here and we cannot get anything done for running our mouths.
if times call for it, we will. promise? and u 2 better be nice:)
P-R-O-M-I-S-E! and we're being very nice just talkative. you would never know we talk every stinking day.
you two make me smile
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