Monday, September 15, 2008

Natural induction

Okay - it's official. I'm over this. I have been so very blessed to have a great pregnancy so far, even considering the bed rest, but now I'm over it. I can't get comfy and everything hurts when I am active at all. I know I'm not due for three more days but JEEZ-A-LOU!

So, any suggestions? I have tried eggplant parmesan (last Thursday), walking, Metamucil, spicy Mexican food, several more private suggestions and I actually bought some castor oil today. (I don't think I want to go that route because of the horror stories I've heard.) I have also heard of red raspberry leaf tea. Maybe I'll go find some tomorrow.

Any other ideas?
(This is a picture Tyler drew of me six years ago, when I was expecting Reagan and Tyler was 5.)


Jenny said... probably don't want me to leave my ideas on this. ha. i think you've probably already tried them. good luck. WRITE OR IM

andrea said...

I know you don't know me, but I just had my 4th child 7 weeks ago, and I was absolutley miserable at the end. I tried EVERYTHING. My nesting instincts took over, so I vacuumed, and withn an hour I was in labor. Maybe it will work for you.

Will and Melodie said...

Vaccuuming...that is hilarious!! Hey, maybe it'll work. You could have Dr. Allen take care of it. He works wonders!! Hang in there. We're praying for you!

Kristi said...

Good luck!! We'll say a prayer!