Saturday, September 09, 2006

Pray for Christal

Well, parts of this week have been hard. Mostly just my attitude (and a little hormone stuff) but several yuck times during the week. Then, I get an email that puts it all into perspective.

Four years ago a daughter of a friend of several friends, Christal Reynolds, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I don't know the exact details but she had several surgeries then a clean scan in November 2004. Three months later, it was back. More surgeries, etc. Back and forth until a stable scan in March of this year. Then, a blood infection. And in July, scans showed four tumors. At this point, she is/should be in the second grade. She has had at least 20 surgeries.

The email I got tonight said that Christal's not doing well so I checked the website. Look how many people have signed her guestbook JUST TODAY!

"Christal is lovingly being held by her family, praying together, making sure that she knows that it is ok for her to go. She is not in pain. Her breathing is difficult, but does not seem to be troubling her at all. We have prayed, we have hugged, we have loved, and we have cherished this time we have had with her, but her journey is ending."

We all have "stuff" to deal with but this...there are no words. I only have tears.

Please pray for the Reynolds family tonight but also, count your blessings...and go kiss your little ones.

(And for anyone reading this who HAS lost a child, please forgive me. I do not mean to be insensitive. I just truly needed the slap in the face this week.)

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